Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Magnetic Sponsoring

Dear Fellow Network Marketer,
f you would like to attract an endless flow of free leads who are  so qualified... and so eager to get started... they actually pay you to show them the plan... then this will be the most important message you ever read.
Here's why:
My name is Mike Dillard.  I'm an MLM trainer and direct marketing specialist with over 100,000 students around the world — including 7-figure network marketers, CEO's, real-estate investors, and Internet marketing "gurus" who make millions of dollars per year.
I have personally helped thousands of network marketers go from "zero to wealthy" in as little as a few weeks.  And many of my students have achieved total financial freedom in almost every MLM company in the business.
But you want to know something interesting?
Just a few short years ago...

I Couldn't Sponsor A New Distributor
If My Life Depended On It!

It's true.
I was 25 years old at the time and, after five years in the business, I could count the number of people I had sponsored on one hand
No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't make money in MLM — even though I worked it day and night... and even though I did everything my upline told me to do.
I went to every meeting within 300 miles... made an average of 100 (yes one hundred) cold calls per day... and spent every penny I had on books, tapes and advertising that never paid for itself.
When I told my upline about this, they said it must be "me" doing something wrong. That the system was completely "duplicatable." And I just needed to be more "positive"... set more goals... call more leads... and attend more meetings and training calls.
But those things only got me more of the same rejection and frustration. In fact, by this time I was dirt broke... had racked up thousands of dollars in debt... and was so financially in "the hole, I had to pawn my championship winning bike and furniture just to eat.
In truth, I had pretty much given up on MLM.
Then one day, almost by accident, I discovered a secret way of prospecting on the Internet after reading an email from a direct marketing genius in Chicago.
An almost laughably simple technique that requires no cold calling... no going to meetings... no rejection... and absolutely no selling.
In fact, with this secret...

People Actually Paid Me To
Hear About My Opportunity And Products.

I almost couldn't believe it.
I used to spend hundreds of dollars per month on advertising and beg people to let me show them the plan.
But now people were actually giving me money to see it — just like they would pay to watch a concert or movie!
The result?
My struggling MLM business changed overnight.
Money flooded into my bank account — DAILY.
People from around the world (who I'd never even met) started calling me and wanting to join my downline because they wanted to use my methods too. Within just 4 months I was financially free... and out of the "rat race" forever.

And best of all:
These new distributors signed up with no annoying objections... no "hemming and hawing"... and no questions asked.  They simply tracked me down, asked me to show them the plan, and signed up as distributors on the spot because my system had already done the telling and selling for me.
Frankly, the money and success came so fast... and so easy... I thought it was some kind of "fluke."
So I showed my method to a few other struggling distributors in my downline and had them try it.
And you know what happened?

They Each Made Money
Just As Quickly And Easily As I Did

It was incredible.
I had discovered a 100% "rejection-free" way of prospecting that lets even the most "timid" and shy networker sponsor dozens of new distributors in just a few short weeks.
Without making one single cold-call.
Without having to hassle your friends, family and neighbors.
And without spending ANY money.
In fact, as I said, people actually pay you to prospect with this method.
Sounds almost crazy, doesn't it?
Hey, I understand.  Sometimes I still have a hard time believing this is real.
And all I ask is you hold off from disbelieving long enough to see the evidence for yourself.  It will take just a few minutes, and will help you sponsor new distributors far faster and easier than you ever dreamed possible.
Look, here's the cold, hard truth you won't hear at the Thursday night MLM meetings or in your company's literature:
In the Internet age...

The "Old School" Prospecting Methods Will Kill
Your Chances Of Making Any Real Money In MLM.

In fact, using those "dinosaur" MLM tactics is like trying to fill a leaking bucket.
Here's why:
If you follow the old MLM "dogma" of cold-calling prospects, handing out CD's, and spending all your money on "opportunity" leads — you're almost guaranteed to lose most (probably ALL) of your people to competing distributors who can advertise on your front doorstep thanks to Google.
This means you’ll be forced to recruit every day for the lifespan of your business just to combat the constant attrition that will plague your organization.
You see, the old ways worked great when people stayed in and purchased products every month for years at a time, allowing you to build a large, profitable organization.
But in today's crazy online world, the average reps only stick around for 2 or 3 months (if you're lucky) before you even get a chance to recoup your marketing costs.
That's how radically the industry changed since the Internet.
So what can you do to make money in MLM today?
It's actually pretty easy:

You Simply Do The Exact Opposite
Of What Other Network Marketers Are Doing!

Here's what I mean:
Most people spend all their money and time calling over-priced leads, only to end up talking to some guy named "Bubba" who’s really looking for a J-O-B.
Others jump from company to company hoping “this one” will be the one that really works out.
But the richest and savviest distributors don't do ANY of those things.
We do not cold-call leads.
We do not show the plan to everyone with a pulse.
And we do not bother our friends, family and neighbors.
Instead, we use what I call magnetic sponsoring.
This is the secret I discovered that quickly gave me (and thousands of people I've taught it to) complete financial freedom.
Here's how it works:

My System Is Based On Two "Core Truths"
Of MLM In The Internet Age:

1. The old school sales routine of cold-calling leads, holding meetings, knocking on doors and trying to "convince" people to look at your opportunity is DEAD.
2: The fastest and easiest way to make money in MLM today is simply to "position" yourself so only the hottest, most qualified prospects come to you (and ONLY you).

That's it.
And no matter what all the other MLM "gurus" say about contacting your family, friends and neighbors... attending every meeting... or cold-calling leads — these are really the only truths you can absolutely count on in network marketing today.
And these two pieces of truth are what took me from dirt broke to 7 figures in less than 18 months — and let me generate over 115,329 live leads over the past two years without spending a single penny.
And guess what?
You can learn how to do the same thing — no matter what network marketing company you're in or if you just signed up in your first MLM business yesterday.
In fact, when you use "magnetic sponsoring"... you can immediately start attracting an unlimited number of leads TO YOU, and...

They Will Actually Pay You
To Show Them The Plan!

This strategy is the "missing link" that six and seven figure network marketers know that everyone else doesn't.
And the funny thing is, getting people to come to you and then pay you to show them the plan... is a LOT easier than you think.
WAY easier than banging on doors, getting laughed at by your warm market and dropping your life savings on leads who will slam the phone down on you or end up joining some other guy's MLM business later.
And my friend, when you know the secret of magnetic sponsoring... you'll go from being a "prospector" who chases people down... to being an "order taker", with people chasing YOU down — and even paying you for the "privilege" of showing them the plan.
This makes sponsoring as easy and painless as filling out a blank check.
Anyway, getting people to come to you... and then actually pay you to see the plan is just one part of my system.
I've got dozens of methods and secrets that I've been using for years like this that'll blow your mind.
Like how to get people wanting to join your business before you talk to them... The RIGHT way to prospect your warm market without getting "blacklisted" by your friends, family and neighbors.... And where to find the contact information of active network marketers (not genealogy lists) who are already looking to join a new MLM company... just to name a few.
And while I can't tell you all the secrets I've learned about making tens of thousands of dollars per month in this letter... there is now a way for you to get them quickly, easily and without ANY risk.
Here's how:
I have recently put ALL this information into an easy-to-read manual called:

"Magnetic Sponsoring"

This is the "secret weapon" of many of today's richest networkers.
Magnetic Sponsoring And it contains the exact "blueprint" I used to transform a failing, crippled, money-sucking MLM venture into a six-figure income in just four months (including making over $354,000 in just 7 days).
I originally wrote it when I first started using my system, because I was sponsoring so many people... so quickly... I couldn't keep up with them.
In some cases, I actually had to turn people away — with a "waiting list" of people who wanted to join my downline (can you imagine having that "problem"?)
So I put my entire sponsoring formula into one, "stripped-down" manual (just 54 pages) I could simply hand to new distributors.
This manual has since transformed the lives of thousands of people in every network marketing company in the industry — including people who struggled to sponsor even one single person before.
But you cannot find this manual in bookstores.
And, until a couple years ago, it was ONLY available to my personal downline.
However, if I hear from you today... I'll send a copy of this manual right to your doorstep... and...

I'll Even Send It To You FREE,
If You Choose!

I'll tell you more about that in a second.
But first, here's just a small taste of what you'll discover in this manual:
  • How to make $500 to $1,000 your first month in network marketing... without sponsoring anyone or selling your company's products!    *see earnings disclaimer*
  • How to contact thousands of network marketers already looking to join your opportunity... without making a single phone call or spamming anyone.
  • The #1 "clumsy mistake" people make with their mouths that kills their chances of signing up new distributors.
  • Why you should almost NEVER sponsor "excited" prospects... and why lazy people often make the most money in MLM.
  • A secret way to get hundreds — even thousands — of people to join your downline at the same time without even mentioning your company or business!
  • The fastest known way to quickly "position" yourself as an expert and attract leads to you — even if you're brand new to MLM and know nothing about the business now.
  • Why "opportunity seekers" are the WORST people to sponsor!
  • A "can't miss" way to instantly gain the respect and admiration of every single network marketer in your company — even if you haven't sponsored anyone yet!
  • The "Donald Trump" secret to effectively answering questions and objections from MLM skeptics.
  • What to do with your eyes to command respect from almost everyone you talk to.  (You can actually see this secret "in action" in most James Bond 007 movies.)
  • The ONLY people you should ever market your retail products to!  (Do this and selling thousands of dollars in products each month is like taking candy from a baby.)
  • An "almost magic" way to create 100% duplication within your downline! 
  • The "big lie" of genealogy lists... and why you should avoid them like the plague!
  • Why the best way ever discovered to make money in MLM... and make it fast... is to do the exact OPPOSITE of what most other network marketers do.
  • A quickie, "idiot's" guide to consumer psychology — often used by cult leaders and other persuasion masters — that lets you instantly tap into the buying "hot buttons" of everyone you talk to.
  • Why telling your prospects your company is "debt free" and does billions in sales will actually destroy your chances of signing them up!
  • The most common "sales killing" mistake people make when sending email to their prospects.  (Do NOT send another email to another prospect, customer or lead until you read this!)
  • The only two things you should send a prospect who wants more information. (Hint: This has NOTHING to do with your product, company or compensation plan.)
  • How to get your entire downline to loyally follow you to another MLM company... with the push of a button!
  • How to immediately get your newest reps into a positive cash flow. (Making it almost impossible for them to ever want to quit or leave your team.)
  • A sneaky (but 100% legal) way to get industry leaders outside your company to recruit people into YOUR downline!
There's more.  A LOT more.
How to make more money by NOT promoting your opportunity... Why most "duplicatable" systems are actually designed to fail and keep you broke... What to do if you lose the biggest producer in your downline... and even...

How To Make Money From People Who Have
Already Decided Not To Join Your Team
Or Buy Your Products!

Ask anyone you know in MLM if they know how to do THAT.

Chances are they don't.
But YOU will.
And when you do... making money in MLM becomes as automatic and "routine" as checking your email.
Anyway, here's the bottom line:
After reading Magnetic Sponsoring you'll never need to make another cold-call again. Never fear looking stupid in front of your spouse or friends. And never worry about making your money back from an MLM company you join.
Instead, customers and prospects hunt you down — with credit card in hand.
Your friends, family and in-laws approach you about what you're doing.
And many of the people laughing at you behind your back right now (for being in that "pyramid scheme") will come crawling to you...

Begging For Your Advice On How
They Can Make Lots Of Money, Too.

I see this happen ALL the time when I teach people my system.
Once you own this manual, you get skills you can use for the rest of your life. Skills nobody can ever take from you. Skills that are "timeless" — and that will work today, tomorrow... and probably even 100 years from now.
And it’s so easy, too.
Just follow my simple "recipe" and, before you know it, you’ll sponsor your first new distributor...
Then another.
And then another...
Until, before you know it... you've got an entire army of distributors making money for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week — whether you're on vacation... hanging out with your kids at the beach... or even sound asleep in your bed at night.
Plus... if you order my manual today... I'll also send you 4 extremely valuable bonuses you can't find anywhere else, for any price, including:
1.) Free Membership To My Magnetic Sponsoring 3.0 System:
system account Now you can "partner up" with me and use the exact website and training tools I use to attract and sponsor thousands of people into my own business each year.
In fact, more network marketers use my system to generate more leads, make more money, and sponsor more distributors than any other system in the world because it works so well, and that's a fact.
Plus, this 100% online system is loaded with valuable training documents and resources you can't find anywhere.
Everyone else used to pay $19.95 per month for this service, and it would cost you over $60,000 to develop it on your own,  but when you buy my Magnetic Sponsoring manual...

I'll Give You Lifetime Access FREE!

2.) The "Behind Closed Doors" Online CD:

Behind Closed Doors

This rare interview contains the details of a simple technique I used to make up to $87,000 cash in less than 10 days.
And before you even ask... ANYONE can use this tactic — no matter who you are or how much you know about making money now.
Best part:  This audio is a downloadable MP3 file you can hear the instant your order is processed.  (You can literally be listening to it in the next 3 minutes!)

3.) Free Trial Issue Of My Private Magnetic Sponsoring "Inner Circle" Newsletter:Inner Circle
The internet is constantly evolving, and little changes take place all the time. If you're familiar with the "Google Slaps" that took place in 2007, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
If you tried to keep up with the latest tactics on your own for PPC, SEO, blogging, video, and social networking sites, you'd end up spending about $3,000/Mo on courses and frankly, you wouldn't have time to do anything else but read!
Well we've decided to make sure that's never going to be a problem for you.
My marketing team and I have decided to produce a private monthly newsletter called the "Magnetic Sponsoring Inner Circle" which is strictly reserved for personal friends and customers.
You see, we have to keep up on all the latest online marketing strategies because we own some of the biggest websites in the network marketing industry!
So why not pass on the best of what we learn each month from our personal real-world tests and results, to you? Well that's exactly what we're going to do...
Each month, we'll be producing a new issue of the "Inner Circle", and inside you'll find the latest, most effective online marketing techniques boiled down into a few simple steps.
You'll be among the first to know the latest tricks when it comes to generating a flood of traffic and leads online using every method you can imagine like...
Split-testing, Squidoo, YouTube, MySpace, FaceBook, Ebay, CraigsList, SEO, Adwords, Blogs, Press Releases, Articles, and more...
You're also going to get behind the scenes access to our personal marketing results and experiments we're conducting over here at Magnetic Sponsoring that no one else will EVER see.
And the information you'll get is even more valuable because it's not theory. You actually get to see what's working behind the curtain of our multi-million dollar marketing company!
I'll send you a free issue of the "Inner Circle" with your copy of the Magnetic Sponsoring Course to try out. If you love it, I'll send you the newest issue each month for only $29.95. You can cancel anytime and even keep the first issue as a free gift from me.
This exclusive offer is optional, and you can still get your copy of Magnetic Sponsoring without the free issue when you check out if you want.

4.) Magnetic Sponsoring "Essential Reports":

Essential Reports

These reports are like solid gold for every network marketer who wants to make sponsoring new distributors super easy.
Here's what's inside:
  1. Killer Ads:  My secret formula to creating killer advertisements. Even includes my personal top 10 ads!  You can " swipe and plunder" them for your own use... and generate hundreds of leads without writing your ads from scratch. (This report alone is worth a small fortune!)

  2. How To Get The Posture And Confidence Of The Pro's:  This special report shows you how to banish any fears of calling your prospects... and start "drawing" people, groups... even entire crowds... to you when you speak.  This is advanced information not easily found outside of high-priced seminars and trainings.  And you can get all the details in this hot new report.

  3. Develop A Magnetic Personality:  In some ways, this is THE single most valuable part of this entire package.  Why?  Because it contains a powerful psychological secret that allows you to attract wealth, business, success... even members of the opposite sex to you like a magnet.  (If you are single, and looking for that "special someone" who is just right for you, then this can change your entire life).

5.) The "MLM Domain Secrets eBook" With Free Distribution Rights:

Domain Secrets

In these 16 info-packed pages, you'll learn everything you need to know about registering and profiting from your domain names (and there's a LOT more to it than you think!)
Including how to turn your website into "search engine candy" and get a top ranking on Google and Yahoo — resulting in even MORE free leads, more sales... and more money in your pocket.
You'll also get the inside secrets to protecting yourself and your domain name from traffic stealing, "money-mooching" competitors, (this secret literally saves me over $10,000 a year)... and much, much more.
Anyway, what does Magnetic Sponsoring cost?
Before I made it available to the general public, I once had someone offer me over $1,000 just to borrow it for a weekend.  So I have no doubt I could easily charge hundreds of dollars for this with no problem.
But I'm not asking you to pay anywhere NEAR that much money.
If I hear from you today... you can download my entire system (and the free bonuses above) for a mere $39.95.
Why price this package so low?
It's simple.  When you get a taste of just how valuable these insider network marketing secrets are, you'll want more of the same real-world MLM success products I offer.
And if that's the case, we'll both be getting a great deal in the long run.
Plus, it comes with a 12 month, "can't-lose" guarantee:

12 Month "Can't Lose" Guarantee

Satisfaction Guaranteed
If in the next YEAR you don't sponsor at LEAST 10 brand new people into your business each month... if other network marketers don't pound on your door almost begging you to join your downline... if your friends, family and co-workers don't corner you and DEMAND to know your "secret" for quickly making so much money...
...I'll buy the manual back from you and...

You Can Keep The Online CD, Bonus Reports And "MLM Domain Secrets" eBook Just For Your Trouble!

That means you have ZERO risk.
So grab your copy now, before it slips your mind... and before it's too late.
Here's how to order:
To order with your credit card on our 100% secure server, simply click on the blue link below that says: "Click Here To Grab Your Risk-Free Copy Of Magnetic Sponsoring Today."
Remember, you risk nothing.
In fact, with this super-generous guarantee...

There's Simply No Way
You Can Lose!

In less than 5 minutes, you can have complete access to the famous Magnetic Sponsoring course, all of the bonus items, and the entire lead generation system for only...

Click Here To Grab Your Risk-Free Copy Of Magnetic Sponsoring Today

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Mike Dillard

P.S.  Don't forget, if you aren't absolutely bowled over by what you discover in Magnetic Sponsoring, I'll buy it back from you at full priceNo hassles and no questions asked.  This manual either lives up to what I've told you here...

Or It's Free!

P.P.S.   One last thing, it's important.  I know even with this unbelievably low price and "can't lose" offer you may still be skeptical.  And I totally understand.  So below are testimonials from people (in completely different MLM companies) who have used my system.  By the way... these are "for real" testimonials.  And I will happily send you their emails and phone numbers upon request.

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I will probably make money from purchases from recommended sites on this blog, assume I will profit from recommendations on this site.

This Article May Be Copied, BUT, NOT Changed In Any Way

Sunday, December 13, 2009

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This Article May Be Copied, BUT, NOT Changed In Any Way