Sunday, September 28, 2008

Free Secret Videos You Need

Hey Larry here, and I just found out about some really
cool new videos that I want to share with you.

What's it about?

Michael Rasmussen (a VERY successful online marketer)
has just released an incredible set of online training
videos called 'Mini Site Profits Exposed'. These
videos will teach you how to create your own
moneymaking mini site with ease, even if you're a
non-technical person.

Michael will guide you step-by-step through the entire
process from start to finish, and after you're done,
you'll have a killer mini site that can make you money
24 hours a day, even while you are sleeping! Here's
the link...

PS. I can't promise that these videos will be free
forever. Make sure you take advantage of Michael's
generous offer, and go watch these incredible videos
right now, while they're still available. Here's the
URL again:

Presented By Larry Guzda

This article may be copied,but NOT changed in any way

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Real Secret About Leads

In any business, the money has to come from somewhere.

Whether it’s from sales revenue or service charges or other transactions, the bitter business truth is that every dime in your pocket used to be in someone else’s. It’s not a bad thing. Just because you have money that used to be in someone else’s possession doesn’t mean that the former owner is now busting out the food stamps.

Through however many transactions between however many parties, you received money, and they received either goods or services. And that’s how an economy works.
On a less Macro scale, in the world of network and multi-level marketing this principle remains especially true and obvious.
At the very core of your business, you make money through the sale of goods or services to someone.

You yourself may never sell a thing and be living in a huge mansion, but odds are you’re benefiting from the sale of something to someone.
This system of making sales work for you is part of the appeal of MLM. Downlines. You benefit from the work of others. The more people you have in your downlines, the more profit you are making. Downlines make sales. You make money. End of story. But what’s the name of the game?
Leads. The hottest commodity of MLM. If you’ve got ‘em, you’ve got it. If not, you’re going to be working really, really hard to pay for that huge mansion on door-to-door sales and Tupperware parties.
If you can get downlines, you can get money. In order to have downlines, you need leads. In short, leads equal money.
And that’s the MLM secret, which you already know, of course.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that you can’t make a fortune by yourself in this business.

But just because you know that you need leads doesn’t mean you can find them. And that’s where so many MLM ventures fail.
It is a commonly reported statistic that well over 90% of those involved in MLM never make a profit. But you can bet that a healthy supply of leads will keep in you in the successful ten percent.
There’s a couple different ways to go about it. You can do what most MLMers do (and fail): make a list of your friends and family (sound familiar?), pass out ‘business op’ fliers, spend lots of money and have social functions, beg, plead, scream, pass out, wake up, continue.
Eventually, the strenuous effort takes its toll on your health and you leave the industry to do something a little more docile and less stressful on your health, like substitute teaching in an alternative high school.
Personally, I passed out Flyers, I tried a different Company, then another, then another, I attended boring company training events, with limited success.
There is a better way. A way to channel leads to your business who come looking for it.Everyone needs traffic. Magnetic Sponsoring is the answer.  Now you can become the hunted instead of the hunter.

There are other ways to get leads. You can put down some serious cash for “lead lists” who will give you pages and pages of innocent people who have been called a hundred times, and you can work off of that. They are “fresh leads,” meaning that they have not been called before or come from any list. These are people, who using the Internet, seek out a business opportunity and come straight to you.
Its helped me get more leads, grow my business, and make more money, and helped me on my goal to Buy a second home,Share my success with others, Spend my time with my family, Work less hours, as well as, Gain financial freedom.

Basically, Magnetic Sponsoring is a lead generating machine. And in a business where leads are the name of the game, that’s a piece of equipment you can’t afford to be without.

Check out the Magnetic Sponsoring

Presented by  Larry Guzda

This article may be copied,but NOT changed in any way