Saturday, June 28, 2008

"The Ultimate Selling Secret!"

So what's the ultimate key to selling a product or service?...

It's simply to offer PROOF that the *benefits* you're promising will
be delivered upon.

For example, if you're offering a traffic service with the benefit of
delivering "1,000 visitors per week" - you need to do all you can in
your ad copy and sales messages to PROVE that you can deliver
on that promise.

One way to provide proof would be to offer testimonials.

Another way would be screenshots of results gained with your product.

Another would be to show the product in action on video.

There are all sorts of ways to provide proof.

The more PROOF you can provide to your prospective customers,
generally the more sales you'll make!

Obviously, your ad copy (headlines, sales letters, classified ads, etc.)
should spell out the ULTIMATE BENEFIT of your product (along with
listing all possible "sub" benefits). That's objective #1...

But what really packs the punch and does the selling is giving PROOF
of those benefits. In fact, your sales letter/message could contain
little more than offering the ultimate benefit, and providing proof
that you can deliver on that benefit (that your product or service
actually DOES what it claims) - without any other elements or "filler"
copy, and generate sales like crazy!

Your prospective customers are looking for proof. If you don't offer
proof and your competitors do, they'll leave your site and buy from
the competition!

If you have a benefit that people want, and can provide PROOF
supporting that benefit...

*You have a winning offer!* Period.

Check out this  ONE

Presented By  Larry Guzda

This article may be copied,but NOT changed in any way

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

How To Increase Your Affiliate Sales Now

"How To Increase *Affiliate* Sales NOW"

Here's a simple way to increase the sales and conversions on the affiliate products you're offering...

You've probably seen this done, but are you doing it yourself (and doing it in the specific ways I've explained here)?...

There's really no excuse not to be offering a compelling BONUS OFFER to the affiliates who order through your affiliate link.

You can quite easily double or triple your affiliate sales this way.

Finding bonus products is fairly easy. Do a search on Google for reprint rights, resale rights, or private label rights. Locate products that relate to, or compliment the affiliate product you're promoting. Purchase several of them and assemble them into a unique "bonus package" ready to send to your affiliates when they've ordered through your affiliate link.

This method also helps reduce "affiliate theft". People will want to make CERTAIN they're ordering through your affiliate link, for fear that they'll otherwise miss out on your bonus offer.

Another key is to find FRESH affiliate products to promote... Or similarly, find quality offers that haven't been heavily promoted in a while (off the radar)...

I personally like finding new products over at Another great place is Both of those resources will give you fresh NEW products to promote nearly every day.

Generally, the better your bonus offer, the more affiliate sales you stand to make. And some people will order SOLELY because they want your bonus!

Of course, since you're spending your time to put together a bonus offer, turn it into a product for SALE as well! No sense in offering it SOLELY as a bonus offer. Also, when people see that the bonus is actually for SALE, it puts an increased perceived value on it. So you end up with more affiliate sales. AND a viable product ready to sell afterward!

Check out an example by visiting  HERE

Presented by   Larry Guzda

This article may be copied,but NOT changed in any way

Friday, June 6, 2008

"How To Spot And Avoid Online SCAMS!"

It's amazing how skeptical people are these days. Some skepticism is
good. But too much skepticism will cost you!

Don't let your skepticism keep you from success. Apply *knowledge*
instead of uneducated, "broad brush" skepticism, as follows:

1. Participate in communities and forums related to your intended topic
of business. You'll learn what programs real people like you are succeeding
in, and which to avoid. If you don't know where to start, find several
good internet marketing forums such as If you're
interested in an opportunity, post it on the board and get opinions.
Product review sites are also excellent for this purpose. Search for
"abc site review" or "abc product review" on Google to see if any
reviews are available.

2. If something was sent to you in an email message that you're
absolutely certain you didn't request, it's likely spam. Don't sign up for
it, no matter how good it may sound! Of course, you may have
forgotten that you signed up for a particular list or newsletter, so
follow due diligence and never automatically conclude that something
is spam without a bit of research or follow up. Jumping to conclusions
is not fair to you, and not fair to the sender.

3. Remember that YOU have ultimate control with any product or
service you order with a credit card. If all else fails, you can issue
a "chargeback" through your credit card company. Of course, do
EVERYTHING in your power to contact the company by phone or
email (or other) long before issuing a chargeback. This tip is a last
resort, but it's a reminder that you're the one in control and rarely
if ever a helpless victim.

4. Most online newsletters are powered by third parties like
or Such services follow strict CAN-SPAM rules
(they have to!), meaning you can easily unsubscribe at any time and
won't get "stuck" on any lists against your will. When you opt-in to a
newsletter, just make sure they state clearly that they keep your
information private and do not share with 3rd parties. You can also
keep a 2nd or backup email account using gmail, hotmail, or yahoo
to join such lists. So worst case scenario, if something happens you
still have your MAIN email account. Apply this tip and you're perfectly
fine subscribing to email publications and newsletters.

5. Avoid hyped claims... There's nothing wrong with making a product
sound as good as possible obviously. If you're the one doing the selling
you'll obviously want to list all benefits possible. But avoid OBVIOUSLY
hyped claims such as "you don't have to do any work, and you'll have
cash flowing in hand over fist". The rule of thumb is that online business
is still BUSINESS. You have to work to succeed! There's no magic
button to success. NONE. So forget about it and stop your search
right now if that's what you're looking for.

BONUS TIP: Look to see how long a business or web-site has been around.
There are many perfectly legit NEW businesses and opportunities, but to
see that a business has been around for years is a great sign that it's
legit and has many satisfied customers.

By applying the above tips you can *move forward* with the business
opportunities of your choice with minimal to no risk, and find the success
you're looking for! Don't let an unhealthy level of skepticism block you
from success.

Check out this ONE

Presented by  Larry Guzda

This article may be copied,but NOT changed in any way

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

"UNVEILED: The world's most profitable product"

If you'd like to have the benefit and control of selling your OWN 

product(s) online, but aren't sure what to sell, strongly consider 
INFORMATION PRODUCTS. And even more specifically, digital 
(downloadable) information products.

Here are some the convincing benefits in doing so...

Unlimited income potential. Countless millionaires have been made
in the information marketing business (publishers, Internet and
mail order marketers, seminar speakers, authors, and more) - could
you be the next?!

Build a business you can be proud of by helping others. We live in
the information age. People of all walks of life have an insatiable
desire for information, and you can build a business around helping
to fulfill this desire. Even the most simple information products can
carry a very high perceived value. With options like private labeling
and ghostwriting, you don't have to be seasoned writer to succeed
in the information marketing business.

You control your time and schedule. Time is your most important asset.
Chances are your employer controls much of your time right now. As
a successful information marketer you can typically work when you want,
where you want, and however much you want! It's perhaps the most
flexible business in the world!

Start on a shoestring budget. Just imagine, you can start and run a
successful Internet-based information marketing business for well
under 75 per month (that's less than many peoples' cable bills!). The
income-potential vs. cost-of-doing-business ratio of the information
marketing business is to my knowledge second to none!

Capitalize on amazing profit margins. In the information marketing
business, profit margins of 95-100% are common. For example,
digital books and information products cost absolutely nothing to
reproduce and distribute, yet are often priced at 10 to 97 per copy
depending on the subject matter. Few if any other industries enjoy
such incredible profit margins.

Run your business from anywhere in the world... Run your business
from the comfort of home! With a wireless Internet connection your
office is anywhere you choose to sit down and work - even outside
on nice days. You can easily run your business from wherever you
might choose to travel or vacation provided an Internet connection
is available.

Enjoy more free time by completely automating much of your business.
If you choose to run an online information marketing business, you can
easily automate the entire ordering process - everything from accepting
and processing customer payments, to fulfilling the order by having the
customer automatically transferred to your "product download page
" after their payment is complete. So all that "hype" you hear about
making money while you sleep, or while you're out shopping (or out on
the golf course like me) - that's not hype! It's the real deal, and perhaps
THE ultimate benefit to digital information marketing.

A very good example can be found HERE

Presented by   Larry Guzda

This article may be copied,but NOT changed in any way